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ZOME completed installation of the Smart Energy enabler “ZOMEKit” into the Frances Place Apartment complex in Dallas, Texas.

December 5, 2021

ZOME completed installation of the Smart Energy enabler “ZOMEKit” into the Frances Place Apartment complex in Dallas, Texas.  The Gateway, repeaters, smart thermostats, and networked on/off switches for hot water heaters were installed throughout the building, and allow the building to act as a system connected to the ZOMECloud backend system for advanced energy applications like local energy savings and wholesale market energy participation.

Frances Place is a low-income housing apartment complex where energy savings, leading the money savings, is highly appreciated. Francis Place had 25-year-old mechanical thermostats that were swapped out, no charge to the tenants, with new smart, networked thermostats. The mobile phone app that accompanies the ZOME system is available upon request. This second property in Dallas provides enough energy load for ZOME to enroll in all major ERCOT energy programs in the DFW load zone in 2022.

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